David Moore
English Domestic Interiors [1986-8]
Pictures from the Real World [1987-1988]
Other photogr
aphs [1987-89]
The Velvet Arena [1994]
Cambridge May Balls [1995]
Shoreditch Town Hall [1998]
Work [1996-1999]
The Commons [2004]
Planes [2000-2004]
Monitor [2006]
People dancing in Shanghai [2006]
The Last Things [2007]
28 Days [2009]
Nindy’s shop [2015-17]
he Lisa and John Slideshow,
et al
SE1 [ongoing]
Portraits [ongoing]
The Southgate Estate, Runcorn New Town, Cheshire. 1991 [2024]
English Domestic Interiors [2021]
The Lisa and John Slideshow [2019]
Pictures from the Real World [2013]
The Last Things [2007]
The Commons [2003]
The Velvet Arena [1994]
Selected group publications, and catalogues
Facing Britain [2021]
Civilization: The Way We Live Now [2020]
Home Sweet Home [2019]
London Nights [2018]
Confined: The Captive and the Keeper in Contemporary Life [2011]
The Artist and the Archive [1998]
Seen and Magnified [1999]
PhotoDocklands [1997]
Seen and Magnified: David Moore, Peter Cattrell, Richard Hoggart
Medway Publications
ISBN: 0-9535749-1-1